Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Korean War U.S AirForce.
Strategic Bombing is known as hittin the enemy were it really hurts in this situation hittin North and South Korea at there power plants, railroad bridges, port facilites. The reason they attacked this way is so it would make the enemy "lose it's capability and will to sustain in the war"
They also used a differant method of bombing known as "tactical bombing" which is aiming rite for the enemy military forces, strongholds and ammunition and weapon barracks.
There were many units in the korean war some aacs units were, 1249th aacs sqdn, 1818th aacs group, 1935th aacs sqdn. Some air control units were 116th tactical control sqdn, 502nd tactical control group, 605th tactical control sqdn. Some air control units, 3rd air rescue group, 3rd air rescuse sqdn
This is some reasons why the korean war was so bad and so many people died. :(

chosin reservoir
Fought in November/December 1950 in North Korea, in sub-freezing temperatures, this battle displayed the valor and courage of American ground forces by fighting against a vastly larger force to retreat and reform their lines. The U.S. Naval forces that provided close air-support also faced equally harsh temperatures at sea. When "The Forgotten War" is talked about, this battle is always the most memorable combat action seen in the war.
During this bloody battle the U.S. was fighting a tough and numerous army of the Chinese and North Koreans. Due to the great numbers there resulted in a huge number of deaths primarily on the Chinese front. In all the China army attacked with over 120000 thousand soldiers trying to overwhelm the U.S. But the bloody battle wasn't the only thing killing soldier over 30000 Chinese soldiers died from frostbite and 7500 on the U.S. side died from cold related sickness.(Chosin reservoir epic of endurance). To combat many of these deaths the U.S. soldiers had to be well equipped with layers of clothing including 3 wool pants, 2 wool socks, 2 sweatshirts, 2 mittens, 2 jackets, 2 hoods, boots, and a helmet. even with all of this equipment though many soldiers died due to frostbite and cold.(Hammel, Chosin Heroic Ordeal of the Korean War)
Athough this war is known as the forgotten war , it will never be forgotten for those who fought at the bloody and hard battle of the chosin revervoir and endured a climate and enemy that many of us never could.
Chosin Reservoir

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Project Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

TANKS Used in The Korean War

Guns used during the Korean War

Friday, April 8, 2011
web weaver week 3
quote keeper week 4
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Week 4- Quote Keeper.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Journal week 4
Reporter week 4
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Journal week 3
Monday, March 28, 2011
journal week 3
Friday, March 25, 2011
Journal Writer Week 3
Qoute Keeper Week 3
I believe this qoute means that General Smith wondered if the chinese were trying to lure him and his troops over the bridge to ambush them. Pg. 103
2.) '' All hands. Make sure every shot counts''
I believe this qoute means that because they were out numbered by alot they should try to shoot the chinese in one shot to conserve ammunition. Pg. 113
3.) '' He was a brave man, all over the place looking for ammo''
I believe this qoute means that Zullo was demanding for ammo so he could keep shooting at the chinese to defend him and his troops. Pg. 128
Web Weaver week 3
time line
this site has a time line of everything that happenedv during the korean and what the major events were
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Repoter Week 3

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Connecter week 2
Text to self: The book is about people in the military fighting in a war and I have two brothers fighting in a war also.
Text to Text: One of the books I read was about the Iraq war and the hardships of it. And it describes what was going on just like in the book Give me Tomorrow.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Connector Week 2
Text to Self- During the war a company was sent over to Korea to help George company, when they got bored on the ship they played a card game called hearts throughout the whole ride. One of the officers said "he will never play a game of hearts again", this reminds me when people play games so much that they aventually get so bored of playing it they will never play the game again.
Text to Text- When one of the Colonels was offered a promotion during the war to a better part of the company, he states that he really does not want to leave his company on the field because they are part of his family. This reminds me of the movie "Band of Brothers'', during the movie a man that was leading a company got offered a promotion and took it but was very sad because he became so close to his company they were like family.
The Reporter Week 2
Harry Truman was the president at this time so he ordered everything that goes down.
Chuck Collins found a bunch of girls clothes while they were roaming.
Zullo was the head of george company but was shot and killed then placed next to a pile of bodies.
Henry controlls George Company and runs stuff.
Frank McNeive a sergeant in George Comopany.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Good Ol Quotes week 2
i believe this qutoe shows how bad Chesty puller wanted to go over and fight for his country
"Damn it , Carl we came here to fight, not play"
i think this quotes says that this fight in korea is serious and the and cheswty pulklker was serious about winning
" Dont worry about your buddy ; he'll be okay"
this shows the friendships the guys made together and how they care for eachother
Friday, March 18, 2011
Connector week 2
Text to world- The book is about George Company fighting in the Korean War. It can relate to now because were fighing in Iraq
Text to self- The guys were bored on the ship at one point and decided they wanted to play cards. It reminds me of when me and my friends get bored ad have nothing to do we'll play cards for the night.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Quote Keeper Week 2
Pg82. "It was really good food; everyone had a pork chop in their mess kit. The next day we were forced to move out, and the rest of the meat was salted down, put in to barrels, and given to the tankers." This shows how quick things happen. One minute your relaxing and eating a great meal with your friends. the next you got to move out and fight once more. Many soldier look forward to these rare occations. One day just having fun and not thinking about dying.
pg71. " We didnt know who they really were. We just saw some guys in uniforms with armbands who claimed that they were security forces." Always being scared. Not knowing who to trust. having people saw that they're someone but they are not can be scary. It could be the chinese trying to kill them. No one really knows. Thats the scariest part, because you just dont want to die. No one does.
Reporter Week 2
2. Kim II Sung- Was a North Korean leader who reinforced Seoul with tons of troops but wasted many of his T-34 tanks.
3. Sergeant Gene Lilly- Saved Lieutenant Carey when he traded spots with him but was sniped in the heart.
4. President Truman- Authorized MacAruther to persue operations north of the 38th parallel.
5. Syngman Rhee- Became president and was scheduled to be in Seoul on September 19th. Was going to be the New governer there.
6. Sergeant Binaxas- Spoke Japenese and was killed from a side arm when he was trying to take them from the 2 North Korean prisonors.
7. Lieutenant Carey- Recived the silver star at the end of the war but felt like he didnt deserve it but Westover and Harbula told him to take it.
8. Coporal Chuck Collins- Lead a small George Company patrol and found women clothing that was later used for disguises.
9. Sergeant Tillman- Took over command when Binaxas was killed but later became a great hero for Carey.
10. George Westover- Assisted the Third Platoon with men and tons of artillery and napalm.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Reporter week 1
Zullo- he was one of the head people in the marine but was shot and killed
Henry- he is a sergeant in George Company
Tom Powers- in the marines and saw a marine of his and a north korean bump into eachother
Carey- a marine, he had killed a north korean who was surrendering himself
G Pendas- a guy who had carried beans, bullets and bandages for the marines
Frank McNeieve- a Sergeant in Geroge Company
Sunday, March 13, 2011
quote keeper week1
Pg. 23
2.) "We took anything that wasnt nailed down." just shows how desprate the marines were to get out and have a little fun. having a night on the town.
Pg. 28
3.) "Can't be these guys they've been sitting here eating ice cream with me for the last hour. " Lieutenant Dalon Hilscher is creating a alibi for his men because he doesnt want them in trouble. also shows how much the marines dont like the MP's.
Pg. 30
Friday, March 11, 2011
Web Weaver Week One
http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/events/kowar/kowar.htm - This website explains alot about the korean war and what happened. In the book they explain how hard it is going to be to defeat the koreans because they havent lost a battle in over 175 years.
Connector Week One
2. Another part talks about this battle going on where its all tanks and that reminds me of when i was at the VFW and there was that big tank there and i climbed on it one time.
3. And in one chapter it talks about how this Korean man was running with his daughter all bloody and what not and that reminded me of the time when i cracked my head open and my dad picked me up and ran me to the truck and took me to the hospital.
text to world-the book relates directly to the world aspect in that it happened and wars happen and wars are going on today
text to text-the book give me tomoorw can relate to another movie i saw called fire and ice , it was about the korean war and it talked about the george company progressing into korean borders and things of that sort
Quote Keeper Week One
this quote significent to the section because it really states the mens transition from average joes into americas finest fighting force
"dont make any freinds, because your going to lose them" pg27
war is hard and you lose alot of men in combat.
"nothing is as screwed up as combat" pg48
it is the perfect quote to represent the theme of the book.
journal week 1
I am the founder of George Company and my name is Zullo. We just left base and me and all 20 of my men are flying to Korea. When we get off all we see and smell are dead bodies. As soon as we get off we are attaced. I couldnt stand it when i saw my friend shot, it was like a firehidrent. It was very scary.
The Journalist Week One
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Web Weaver Week 1
The link is mostly about the Korean War aka the Forgotten War. It will give more infomation of the setting in the book and some of the horrors but not as much as the book "Give Me Tomorrow" explains.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OL6QM_mMyA Its a video (sorry it wasnt working)
This video could expreise some of the feelis the men had torwards their sargent that died. Also it could be about any man in the war. Some one has family home waiting for them.
Journal Writer Week One
Quote Keeper Week One
1.) ''We were going to fight until the last man; there was no surrender''
It is meaningful because it shows how far they were willing to fight the enemy.
Pg. 13
2.) ''I think the first sergents mad at me''
I believe it shows how affraid and scared the lower ranking officers are to the sergent.
Pg. 44
3.) ' I will never forget seeing a hay stack maove at 25 miles per hour.''
It shows how scared the person driving the tank was of the soldiers because when they blew up the tank next to the house.
Pg. 42
connector week 1
TEXT TO WORLD: this happened in the 1940's in WWII when the Americans landed on the beaches of Normandy and they had to fight their way to get off the beaches and in to Europe. in the book they had to go on the beaches in Korea and fight their way to get off the beaches.
TEXT TO WORLD: when the Bush administration was in office and they brouight troops over seas for oil and they started and war in the Middle East that has being going on for a long time like about 20 years.