The Marine Corp have took part in many wars such as the Korean war. The tactics the Marine Corp uses is very technical and there training is for many weeks. There are a few places you can go for your training and many peple sign up for the marines every day.
Two places you can go to for training in the marines is Parris Island in South Carolina, or you could go to San Diego in California(" Surviving Marine Corp Basic Training"). People who sign up in the west usually end up going to San Diego, people that sign up in the east end up going to Parris Island, and if women sign up they have only one place to go and thats Parris Island(" Surviving Marine Corp Basic Training"). Parris Island graduates about 17,000 people a year and San Diego graduates almost 21,000 people a year(" Surviving Marine Corp Basic Training"). Every day in the U.S 3,786 men sign up for the marines and 600 women sign up, and the average age for a male recruit is 19.1 and a females average age is 19.3(" Surviving Marine Corp Basi Training"). Marine boot camp is harder than any other boot camp for any other U.S military branch, most of the marines that come out of it say that its the hardest thing that they have evr done in their life(" Surviving Marine Corps Training"). Marines say that it is important to train in andvance so that you are in good enough shape or else they'll send you to the (PCP) Physical Conditioning Platoon, and in order to get out of the (PCP) you have to be able to do 3 pull ups 40 sit ups in 3 minutes and be able to run 3 miles in 20 minutes(" Surviving Marine Corps Basic Training").
If you are higher up in the marines such as an officer, the headquarters is located in Arlington, Virginia("Headquarters Marine Corps" 1). The (USMC) Untied States Marine Corp use the mobility of the navy in order to deliver combined-arms("Headquarters Marine Corps" 1). In the Marine Corp there is over 190,000 on active duty and they have over 40,000 on reserve if the need them(" Headquarters Marine Corps" 1). But the Marines operate under the U.S Department of the Navy(" Headquarters Marine Corps" 1).
That is basic information on the marine corp and how they work. The marines are one of the most physical boot camps and if you want to be opne you have to train for many months and be ready for one of the hardest things you have ever tried to do in your life.
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