Friday, April 1, 2011

Reporter week 4

1.)Harbula- Lost his best friend on east hill and blew the troops cover. 2.)Clayton Sepulva- Took roberts place for the evening and was burned from a C-Ration oil container. 3.)Major Edwin Simmions- Encouraged Carey to accept the award. 4.)Kim II Sung- Was a North Korean who had heavily reinforced Seoul but wasted many of his t-34 tanks. 5.)Fred Hems- wa the medic and had a gun blow up in his face. 6.)Mert Good Eagle- Watched jarrnigan'sface get shot with a bullet. 7.)Lieutenant Carey- Had a difficult mission and and was saved from Tillman. 8.)Roy Shirey- A rusty haired boy from the deep south. 9.)President Truman- Authorized MacArther to persue operations north of the 38th parallel. 10.)Richard J. Jewel- Stole gear from a parked box car.


  1. I like a lot of the points you brought out in these chapters. I think you missed a lot of the key points that were brought up thought.

  2. this was a great post and was very accurat to the book
